Ma Dong-seok, also known as Don Lee (Roundup: Punishment), joins forces with Seohyun (Seeking the King) and David Lee (Svaha: The Sixth Finger) in Holy Night: Demon Hunters, an action-thriller from Lotte Entertainment. The film marks the directorial debut of Im Dae-Hee, who co-wrote the script alongside Ma Dong-seok.
Set in Seoul, the movie follows the city’s descent into chaos as a devil-worshipping criminal network seizes power. In a desperate attempt to restore order, the police turn to “Holy Night,” a team of supernatural demon hunters played by the lead trio. Armed with extraordinary abilities, they face off against dark forces threatening the city.
The cast also features Kyung Soo-Jin (The Vanished) and Jung Ji-So (Parasite).
Holy Night: Demon Hunters premieres in South Korea on April 30, 2025, with an international release date yet to be announced.
SOURCE: Variety