The third installment of the cult hit franchise Boondock Saints is officially underway. Boondock Saints 3 will see both Norman Reedus (The Walking Dead) and Sean Patrick Flanery (Assault on VA-33) returning as Connor and Murphy MacManus. Franchise creator and director Troy Duffy is also returning to helm the threequel. Duffy and Flanery wrote the script for the follow-up which is expected to start production next May.

“The fans have loved these characters for twenty years. They use terms of endearment like ‘the Brothers’ or ‘the Boys.’ We left them in jail at the end of Boondock 2 and fans want to know what happened to them. Norman and Sean have been a driving force to keep this franchise on track and break some new ground story-wise. The fans have been waiting. They literally ask about it daily, and I am really excited to be working with Impossible Dream to make Boondock III a reality,” Duffy told Deadline.

Dragonfly Films is financing the project with Shaun Redick (Get Out), Yvette Yates Redick, and Don Carmody (Goodwill Hunting) producing. Duffy, Reedus, and Flanery are all listed as executive producers.

Stay tuned.

SOURCE: Deadline



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