Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft animated series featuring the voice of Hayley Atwell (Mission: Impossible: Dead Reckoning) is set to premiere on Netflix October 10th.

The animated series picks up after the events of the highly successful Tomb Raider video game Survivor trilogy (Tomb Raider; Rise of the Tomb Raider; Shadow of the Tomb Raider), and will chart the globetrotting heroine’s next chapter as the iconic adventurer. More than 25 years after her first appearance, Lara Croft (voiced by Atwell) continues to explore ancient mysteries and uncover lost truths across breathtaking and dangerous destinations.

Following the events of the Survivor series, Lara Croft has abandoned her friends to embark on increasingly more perilous solo adventures. But she must return home when a dangerous and powerful Chinese artifact is stolen from Croft Manor by a thief with an uncanny personal connection. Her daring pursuit will take her on an adventure around the world and to the depths of forgotten tombs, where she will be forced to confront her true self, and decide just what kind of hero she wants to become.

The all-new animated Netflix series also features the voices of Allen Maldonado (Zip), Earl Baylon (reprising his role as Jonah from Tomb Raider video games). Additional voices to be announced.

Stay tuned.

SOURCE: Netflix




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