MadRiver Pictures and Di Bonaventura Pictures recently announced that Gerard Butler (Angel Has Fallen) will star in the upcoming elevated action thriller The Plane. The script was written by Charles Cumming and JP Davis (Violence of Action), based on the book by Cumming. The film will be produced by Di Bonaventura Pictures’ Lorenzo di Bonvaventura and Mark Vahradian, MadRiver Pictures’ Marc Butan and Ara Keshishian, and Butler and Alan Siegel under their G-BASE banner.

The Plane is a real time action thriller that follows commercial pilot Ray Torrance (Butler) who after a heroic job of successfully landing his storm-damaged aircraft in a war zone, finds himself caught between the agendas of multiple militia who are planning to take the plane and its passengers’ hostage. As the world’s authorities and media search for the disappeared aircraft Ray must rise to the occasion and keep his passengers safe long enough for help to arrive.

MadRiver International will launch sales for The Plane at AFM next week and CAA Media Finance will handle the domestic rights to the film. The film is scheduled to shoot in 2Q 2020.

Stay tuned.



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